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Alon Pinchassi Eliminated in 6th Place ($3,930), Eskanadari Pulls the $25k Bounty

By August 16, 2023No Comments

Blinds: 50,000/100,000

In two hands, Massoud Eskandari went from one of the short stacks, to second in chips now behind Quoc Le, and he earned a big bounty in the process. First, Eskandari won a flip when his pocket eights bested the King-Queen of Alon Pinchassi. Then on the next hand, Pinchassi moved his short stack all in with [Ad][Qs], and Eskandari called with [7h][6c] in the big blind. The board ran down [Kd][7d][3h][5s][9s], and Eskandari won the pot, and ran straight to the bounties.


Eskandari has now pull over $38,000 in bounties alone, and has locked up another $5,100 at least by being in the top five.

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