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Bowers Triples, Boris Goldstein Eliminated in 7th Place ($6,740)

By March 10, 2024No Comments

Blinds: 150,000/300,000

Jonathan Bowers moved all in for 1,300,000, and on the button Boris Goldstein called, leaving 500,000 behind. Next to act, Jeremy Yap moved all in over the top, and Goldstein thought for a bit longer before calling to create a three-way all-in.

Bowers: [7h][5h] Yap: [Ah][As] Goldstein: [Ad][Jd]

The flop of [6c][4c][4d] gave Bowers a straight draw, and hit it right on the [3h] turn. The [10h] river sealed a massive pot for Bowers, who is up to over five million now, while Goldstein is out in seventh.

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