Blinds: 300,000/600,000
Anuj Agarwal raised on the button, and for the second hand in a row, Chester Burnett three bet shoved all in. He didn’t get called on the first shove, but Agarwal quickly called this shoved and showed [Ad][Ah]. Burnett let out a groan and tabled [Ac][8d], one of the worst possible hands to go up against pocket aces.
Burnett gained a glimmer of hope when the [8h] was in the window, but that was all the help Burnett would get, as the board ran down [10s][8h][6s][Qh][4h].
That makes us three-handed. Jeffrey Kimball and Anuj Agarwal both have over 40 million in chips, while Vuong Do has some work to do wit ha stack of seven million.