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Daniel Revah Eliminated in 6th Place ($38,825)

By August 11, 2023No Comments

Blinds: 500,000/1,000,000

In two hands, Daniel Revah went from second in chips to out, and in the process, all those chips went to LD Gray, who is now the chip leader. On the second hand, Revah raised to 3,500,000, and Gray called in the big blind. Both player checked the [Kh][6c][2d] flop, and Gray check called a bet of 2,000,000 on the [3h] turn.

The [10s] came on the river, and suddenly, Gray announced all in, a bet worth the 30 million effective that Revah had behind. Revah went deep into the tank, at one point standing up and walking a bit around his chair, before he eventually announced calland rolled over [Qh][Qc].

The queens were no good though, as Gray spiked down [10c][10h] for a rivered set that soared Gray into the chip lead with nearly half the chips in play five-handed.


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