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Diana Yang Eliminated in 8th Place ($41,675)

By March 26, 2024No Comments

Blinds: 300,000/600,000

Action folded to Diana Yang, who moved all in for 8,250,000. In the small blind, Nathan Rosinger moved all in to isolate. Kenneth Kim was in the big blind, and as soon as he looked at his hand, he looked like he had a tough decision. He got counts for both stacks, and tanked for about three minutes, at one point saying “I don’t know if I have her beat, but I know I have him beat.” Eventually, he folded [Js][Jc] face up, and as it turns out, it was a great fold.

Rosinger: [Qh][Qs]

Yang: [8c][8d]

Rosinger had a monster hand, and the hand was over after the [Kh][Qd][Kc] flop gave him a full house. Yang hit the payout desk in 8th, Rosinger padded his chip lead, and Kim was relieved to still be in the tournament.

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