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Down to a Dozen Now

By March 26, 2024No Comments

The eliminations keep coming in this Mega Millions Day 3, as just 12 players remain now. First, Ming Li bowed out in 15th place. Then on the other table, Kenneth Kim has caught fire. First he took all of Henry Bogie’s chips in two big hands. Then, he put Edgar Gabrielyan at risk in a coin flip, Kim holding King-Jack to Gabrielyan’s pocket fours. The flop of [10s][8h][5d] didn’t change anything, but a five on the turn increased Kim’s outs, as Gabrielyan could now be counterfeited.

It wasn’t needed though, as a jack came on the river. With that pot, Kim is now second in chips behind Drew Hart. Once we get down to the final table, we will be posting photos and updated counts for all who remain.

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