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Michael Nia Eliminated in 5th Place ($49,890)

By August 11, 2023No Comments

Blinds: 500,000/1,000,000

Jared Griener raised to 2,250,000 on the button, and in the big blind, Michael Nia reraised to 3,500,000. Griener called, and the flop came [7h][3d][2c]. Nia continued for 2,500,000, Griener called, and the turn brought the [5d].

Nia open-shoved, and Griener snapped called, showing [As][4d] for the turned straight. Nia could only chop, as he showed [Jc][4c], but the chop didn’t come, and Nia was eliminated in fifth, while Griener is up to 25,000,000.


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