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Millard Catches the Two Outer to Double This Time

By April 18, 2023No Comments

Blinds: 500,000/1,000,000

James Millard moved all in for his final 11 million and change, and on the button, Steven Kim moved all in for just a few million more.

It was a classic coin flip, as Millard had [9h][9d], while Kim showed [Ac][Qd]. The flop of [Qc][10d][6d] shot Kim into the lead, and the [Kh] on the turn gave both players straight draws. “Jack!” Millard called for, before realizing it was actually no good for him. The jack didn’t come, but the [9s] did, to the shock of everyone at the table, and Millard doubled up to 25 million, while Kim is now our short stack with less than five big blinds, though he would double up on the next hand back up to about ten million.

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