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Some Chippies Nearing the Final Three Tables

By March 31, 2024No Comments

We are nearly at the final 27, which means a full three-table redraw is about to happen. Below you will see a handful of the players still vying for this title. Once we get down to the final two tables, we will post names and counts for all 18 still in.

Blinds: 6,000/12,000 Average: 551,000

Anthony Kim – 1,800,000
Robert Gill – 1,050,000
Vuong Do – 800,000
Prince Cassell – 700,000
Hamid Khorrman – 620,000
David Uvaydov – 595,000
Paul Chauderson – 410,000
Scott Stewart – 350,000
Andrew Ostapchenko – 320,000
Ira Friedman – 310,000
Dylan Herrmann – 320,000
Ty Dobbertin – 220,000

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