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Some Notable Chip Counts in the Money

By March 9, 2024No Comments

The bubble has just burst here in today’s one-day deepstack event, which means everyone who still has a seat has locked up at least $650. Below you will see a handful of the players still vying for this first-place title of over $42,000. Stay tuned for more chip count updates later!

Blinds: 6,000/12,000 Average: 267,000 Players Left: 90

Jonathan Bowers – 700,000
Nancy Matson – 590,000
Paul Chauderson – 460,000
Jarod Einsohn – 360,000
Cedric Darrett – 355,000
Boris Goldstein – 330,000
Beth Hall – 255,000
Eugene Tito – 255,000
Robert Gil – 240,000
Stuart Pfiefer – 200,000
Kevin French – 150,000
Reynaldo Soto – 121,000
Charley Du – 100,000
Frank Lin – 80,000

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