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Some Notable Stacks Near the Top 100

By July 21, 2023No Comments

We are rapidly approaching the money here in today’s opening kickoff event, as just 104 remain. Only the top 72 will be walking home with some extra cash in their pockets. Let’s see how some of the notables are faring in the top 100.

Blinds: 6,000/12,000

Raul Bravo – 700,000
Thu Nguyen – 350,000
Hermilo “Taxi” Vargas – 240,000
Larry Serebryany – 220,000
Kevin Song – 220,000
Andy “Shooter” Stracuzzi – 220,000
Phuoc Nguyen – 210,000
Stefan Bean – 200,000
Nader Arfai – 100,000
Jason Wasser – 40,000

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