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Songyun Cen Eliminated in 7th Place ($5,465)

By August 13, 2023No Comments

Blinds: 50,000/100,000

On the last hand of this level, Nam Kim raised to 400,000, and Songyun Cen called all in for less. Big stack Guang Li also called the 400,000, and after the flop of [4d][3c][3s], Li moved all in. Kim quickly called with [5h][5c], and he was ahead of both the [7s][4s] of Li, and the [Ad][8s] of Cen.

The board finished ut [2d] and [Ah], and at first, Kim thought it had just won the side pot because of the ace on the river. However, to his relief, the table pointed out he had a straight, which led Kim to laugh out loud for a bit as he collected his new chips.

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