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Three More Quick Bustouts

By March 26, 2024No Comments

In a flash, we went from 18 players to 15 here in the Mega Millions, losing three big names in a row. First, the dream of a second title ended for Larry Quang. He shoved all in on the turn with Ace-Queen on a board showing [8h][7d][6c][Qh], but he was already drawing dead, as Salim Admon snap-called with pocket eights for a flopped set. That pot propelled Admon into the chip lead.

Not long after that, Payman Arjang got unlucky to bust against Nathan Rosinger in 17th, though Arjang had gotten lucky himself earlier in the day to double through Rosinger, when his Ace-King caught up to the kings of Rosinger. And speaking of unlucky, the dangerous Fausto Valdez was crippled when his Ace-King fell to the Ace-Queen of Kenneth Kim all in preflop, and then Valdez lost a coin flip to Edgar Gabrielyan to bust in 16th place.

Just 15 remain now. Stay tuned for more updates!

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