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Tigran Kiervanbachian Eliminated in 7th Place ($7,485)

By March 8, 2023No Comments

Blinds: 60,000/120,000

From early position, Todd Gonzalez moved all in for 1,400,000. It folded around to Tigran Kiervanbachian, and he moved all in as well, for just a couple of chips less.

It was a classic coin flip, as Kiervanbachian showed [Jh][Jc], while Gonzalez had [Ac][Kd]. The flop of [7d][4c][2h] was clean for Kiervanbachian, but the [Ah] turn was not. A king came on the river to solidify Gonzalez’s victory, who doubled up with the stack and blinds to about three million.

This leaves us with just six players. Pedro Rindon remains the chip leader, followed by Andrew Rubin and Sean Yu.

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