Ed Alikhani took a big hit to start the final table, and he decided to put on the Parkwest Bicylce Casino hoodie that every final table player received to perhaps try and change his luck. Well, it just might have worked for him, as Alikhani just spiked the turn to score a big triple up.
Alikhani started the action by moving all in f0r 850,000, and next to act Jeffrey Kimball raised 2 million to try and isolate. However, Chester Burnett had woken up with a big hand in the big blind, and called to create a nice side pot. After the [10d][8s][4d] flop came, Kimball moved all in, and Burnett had to reluctantly fold.
Kimball’s [Qd][Qs] were leading the [As][9c] of Alikhani, but the lead was short lived, as the [Ah] came right on the turn. The river was a blank, Kimball won a nice side pot, but Alikhani was the big winner of the hand with the triple up.