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Fresh Stacks From the Final Six Tables

By March 26, 2024No Comments

Former Mega Millions champion Larry Quang is back in the chip lead after busting Safiya Umerova in a huge pot to propel his stack up to nine million. Check out some of the other notables still in below.

Blinds: 40,000/80,000 Average: 2,964,000

Larry Quang – 9,000,000
Fausto Valdez – 6,700,000
Albyn Bello – 4,350,000
Sami Bechahed – 3,900,000
David Uvaydov – 3,900,000
Phuoc Nguyen – 3,000,000
Derek Gregory – 2,800,000
Triet Nguyen – 2,600,000
Ed Alikhani – 2,300,000
Marc Robinson – 1,400,000
Scott Lazar – 1,100,000
Andres Garcia – 900,000
Payman Arjang – 850,000
Frank Lin – 800,000

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