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Karo Davtyan Eliminated in 8th Place ($11,815)

By March 31, 2024No Comments

Blinds: 30,000/60,000

Karo Davtyan moved all in from early position for his final 12 big blinds or so, and Phil Zangwell called to put him at risk with [Ac][Kh]. He was flipping against [7d][7s], and the sevens kept the lead on the [Qh][10c][5h] flop.

However, the [Ah] came right on the turn to give Zangwell top pair, and left Davtyan drawing very thin. Then, the [7h] river caused some confusion around the table. Davtyan clapped to celebrate, while Zangwell immediately hung his head, but a couple of the players at the table quickly pointed out that Zangwell had made a winning flush on the river to beat the set of sevens.

Davtyan hits the rail in eighth, while Zangwell is now above average with almost 2,500,000.

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