Vuong Do has gone on a tear recently, scoring the knockout of Noar Cohen in 12th place amongst many other pots, to take a big chip lead going into the final ten. Below you will see where they are seated, and how many chips each finalist has.

Seat 1: Michael Woo – 3,700,000

Seat 2: Anuj Agarwal – 16,700,000

Seat 3: Chester Burnett – 9,400,000

Seat 4: Vuong Do – 22,000,000

Seat 5: Jesus Bertoli – 3,800,000

Seat 6: Andrew Ostapchenko- 10,200,000

Seat 7: Said El Harrak – 5,700,000

Seat 8: Ed Alikhani – 10,100,000

Seat 9: Stephen Sakai – 5,100,000

Seat 10: Jeffrey Kimball – 7,500,000